Hatching: The Upcoming Horror Story Film, directed by Hanna Bergholm, is best known for her direction in the 2018 Film Puppet Master and 2009 Film Varjot. The story revolves around a young determined gymnast and her struggle to keep up with her demanding mother. The story of the film is written by the famous Ilja Rautsi. He is best known for “Helsinki Mansplaining Massacre” and “Spandex Sapiens”.
Hatching Story
The Story of the film is centered around a young gymnast named Tinja. She is determined to become a successful gymnast but her mother’s expectation is beyond her control. Still, Tinja Tries her best to fulfill her demanding mother who is a blogger.
In the first scene of the film, the mother is seen shooting a vlog but it turns into a nightmare when a flock of birds suddenly enter her perfect home and destroyed almost everything they could. Later that evening Tinja is seen wandering into a fog-filled forest and finding an egg. She toughs it an egg of black which recently took flight from there. You may like: The Northman: Plot, Cast, Release Date, Trailer, and More
She took the egg and brought it back home and placed it under her bed. To her surprise, Egg starts to grow bigger and soon a terrifying bird-like creature emerges from it. The bird took the flight but the desperate Tinja Always tried to Feed her also it is dangerous and the bird brought many horror-filled moments into her life. It is interesting to see how Tinja copes with all this and her mother’s demands.
Hatching Cast
In the film, Siiri Solalinna appears as a young gymnast and daughter of Sophia Heikkila. Sophia has played the role of mother and she is known for her character immersive role in “Invisible Heroes” and “Idiomatic”. Jani Volnen appears as the father of the young gymnast. Jani has also appeared in the movies like “Ihmebantu” and “The Mine” in which he has played his best. For you: Morbius Movie: Everything we know about the Upcoming Movie
Release Date
As per initial announcements, The Film is all set to release on all US cinema screens on April 29, 2022.
Where to watch Hatching
The Film will be available on Cinema Screens after its release and can be also watched on OTT platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO, Disney +, and Hulu.
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