Sports photographers often use digital single-lens reflex camera because they are able to take multiple high-speed shots. Attempting to get that perfect shot in sports photography takes adequate skill, ideal equipment, and perfect timing. Photographers can often be seen maneuvering themselves into the strangest positions simply to get the best shot and it could be agreed that this type of photography is among the most difficult. Here are some of the most jaw-dropping sports moments that have even been captured on camera.
Completely Relaxed
Top athletes are often so skilled that what they do appears to be quite simple, although, it is not all that common for athletes to feel so at ease that they actually yawn. Additionally, yawning while pole vaulting 12 feet is practically unheard of. This athlete must have been training far too hard the day before and did not get the sleep that she needed to gracefully glide over the top. She certainly woke up when she realized how far she was about to fall.
However, this talented pole vaulting champion has been captured yawning as she launches herself 12 feet into the air. This photo is not just unusual, but it is also extremely impressive, to say the least!
Intense Tag
The position of the catcher can be a dangerous one, specifically in the World Series match when the pressure is extreme. Players that are on third base don’t practice caution to prevent the catcher from keeping the ball.
During the very first game of the 1991 World Series, this photo was taken. The true intensity of this catchers abilities is captured as being knocked over was not enough to stop him from holding onto the ball. The timing of this snapshot could not have been more perfect.
Any cheerleader will agree that cheerleading is a serious sport. This photo proves just how serious the sport of cheering is. This seems more like a Maori haka than a dazzling cheerleading routine. If we were on the opposing team, we might feel thankful that this wild cheerleader is not on the other team.
A good cheerleading team is essential for getting the crowd hyped for the upcoming game, as well as for bolstering the confidence of the team that they rally.
Turning Heads
In this photo, the Pittsburgh Steeler Antwaan Randle literally had his head turned by another player that is holding onto his helmet. It seems like Number 82 might need some serious surgery after having his head so violently yanked!
While the player responsible did receive a penalty, there was surprisingly no serious injury sustained by Antwaan. However, this 2003 photo truly depicts the intensity of the game and the true durability of the human body.
Perfectly Synchronized
This perfectly timed photo depicts the extreme focus and agility of hurdlers. This athletic race requires ultimate timing and speed in order to succeed. These two athletes are neck-in-neck, seemingly perfectly matched in their abilities and stamina. They are like mirror images of each other!
This amazing photo captures the fast passed race between two synchronized hurdlers. There’s no saying who could win; possibly the hurdler with the longer legs, or the one with the most straps, or maybe even the one that can leap the furthest.
Balling Without Grace
Here’s a moment that no one expected to see on the basketball court. Usually, basketball players seem to express a bit of attitude on the court and the sport itself requires athletes to exhibit a significant amount of grace.
The New York Knicks player captured in this photo seems to have forgotten all about graceful movements and opted for entertaining flair instead. It seems like some members of the crowd narrowly missed being kicked in the head, as the man in the grey suit sheepishly moves out of the way.
Fishy Expressions
It appears that the diver in this photograph may be getting into the character of a fish, although, this is somewhat unusual considering fish do not really dive. In addition to this, divers endure a large amount of criticism regarding what they do with their bodies.
A leg movement that is just a little bit too far out can cost drivers a gold medal. Luckily, judges are not at all concerned about their facial expressions.
Posing For The Camera
While most sporting photos capture moments where players exhibit extreme focus, this photo captures quite the opposite! Perhaps she knew she wasn’t going to make the shot and decided to pose for the camera instead, and we love how sweet her expression is!
This tennis star seems a bit embarrassed to have messed this serve up, but at least she has the good grace to laugh it off, unlike many of her more fiery counterparts who would have thrown a tantrum.
Dennis Rodman may be scrutinized with questionable behavior ever since he left the NBA. However, he remains an incredibly talented basketball player, which is clearly proved by this photograph.
Dennis is seen diving for the ball and somehow managing to achieve a perfectly parallel pose as the photo was snapped in 1997. This amazing photo explains the determination it takes to be a successful athlete. You need to put your body on the line multiple times at every game – that is what being a professional player requires.
Something Is Missing
Athletes are incredibly focused before and during competitions, which makes it somewhat understandable that they could potentially forget things. However, forgetting a shoe while you are preparing for Olympic hurdles could be detrimental.
This Ethiopian hurdler may have misplaced one of her shoes, yet this unfortunate fact does not seem to be holding her back in the slightest. Considering that she went on to qualify for the final race in the Olympics, maybe shoes are not all that important.
The Face Of Intensity
This photo seems to depict a gymnast transforming into the Incredible Hulk in mid-air. However, it really shows the sheer intensity of competitive gymnastics.
Gymnastics may seem like one of the more graceful sports, although, there is no denying just how unflattering this photo is for the gymnast. It looks like this guy is driving an invisible car, and is really putting the pedal to the metal. He is certainly moving as fast as a car!
A Bit Awkward
There’s no denying just how talented Michelle Kwan is, although, this may not be the most ideal position here. Regardless, she still looks beautiful! To capture the full beauty and grace of this picture, you might want to arch your back as far as you can and then look again. Try to get on Kwan’s level.
To be able to crisscross through the ice like an angel while bent over like a paperclip is no small feat. We can’t even be bothered to pick up the loose change that falls out of our pockets sometimes!
Utter Disbelief
Everything about this photo seems quite standard, except for the facial expressions of these soccer players. The photographer somehow managed to immortalize the second when both players expressed the look of utter disbelief.
The reason for these two players’ facial expressions is not exactly clear, especially because these players are not on the same team. Surely, at least one of the players should be pleased with what is happening… It seems like someone was murdered on the field!
Importance Of Team Members
Synchronized swimming is an art on its own. Unfortunately, everyone in the team cannot always be the focal point of the sport; as seen in this photo where four team members are used basically as a foot and hand rest…
This takes that idiotic head-dunking game that we used to play as kids to the next level. The class bully would be incredibly impressed with how the woman-turned-table has put her entire body into making four people’s lives more difficult.
Going For Gold
Perhaps King James had no idea that the camera was watching him, or perhaps he simply did not care. Either way, he is clearly going for gold! There was just no way he could let this pesky booger stay in his nose a minute longer.
Being an athlete means that you have to spend long hours in front of huge crowds and even more people watching from home. We cannot imagine what having a particularly irritating booger stuck in your nose for that long must feel like.
Seconds Before Impact
These two ladies are completely oblivious of what is just about to happen. The photographer could not have timed this photo any better. They were just trying to have a civil discussion when the lady in red decided to interrupt their debate with two strong opinions.
If you ever want to make your voice heard, you can bet that opening with a dropkick is an excellent way to get everyone’s attention. The art of debating has been refined by WWE wrestlers admirably.
Water Helmet
Head injuries are quite commonly sustained during sport and athletic competitions, although, who knew the same could be said for swimming? The professional swimmer in this photo appears to be wearing a clear helmet.
Helmets are important. However, water helmets may not be. Either way, this swimmer does not seem too phased by protective water gear as the look of optimal concentration is captured in this breathtaking photograph. We hope that the U.S. Military was taking notes during this event…
Tossed Around
This man is captured in what could be explained as ‘the calm before the storm’, considering that he is moments away from a nasty crash landing. Additionally, the angry bull behind him appears to be considering ramming into him again.
One can only that talented rodeo clowns are already on their way to distract this angry bull to allow the upside-down man an escape. Bull riding is definitely not for the faint of heart or head!
Horse Play?
This was a particularly peculiar time to take a snack break. Even skilled expert jockeys can face disaster during a race. Julien Leparoux is no exception to this. In this photo that was taken in 2006, Julien is thrown from his horse, Sanibel Storm, during a race and the photographer just so happens to capture the moment perfectly.
Luckily, no one was injured despite the horse running into the railing and throwing the jockey into the air.
Unusual Chair
This coach seems to be rather oblivious to the fact that he is actually sitting on a person and not a chair. Despite the odd moment captured here, there really is a good reason for what looks like an unkind act.
Rather than simply using the tiny gymnast as a chair, this Brazilian coach is more likely to be helping the gymnast by applying pressure to her back during a stretch. There is no denying just how flexible the gymnast must be.
Ultimate Flexibility
This photo of a talented figure skater is almost painful to look at, considering just how flexible she would need to be in order to achieve this pose. Yet, it seems that she is completely comfortable and at ease as she performs a perfect standing split while gliding on ice.
There is no doubting that this figure skater must have endured extremely grueling training to achieve such flexibility. It is almost unbelievable just how perfect the verticle line is in this photo.
Referee Is King
The ref in this game definitely upped the level of entertainment by aligning his head perfectly with an advertisement. The brief moment was that the referee was king is captured in this humorous image.
While this ref is clearly crowned king, the other two referees in the photo are completely oblivious. If only they knew they were standing right next to a king! Once our newly crowned King of Referees is finished with his divine inspiration, he will clear up the contested play marvelously.
Outrageous Name
You cannot change the name that you were given. Well, you could, but why would you want to when yours is so amazing?! Here’s an athlete that must have a certain amount of discomfort surrounding their name. To think that this person’s name can easily be seen as foul language, some questioned could be raised!
Possibly, it may not sound so bad if pronounced as it should be, although, this photograph was unable to capture anything other than the offensive print on this player’s jersey.
Don’t Mess With The Ref!
Usually, it is not a great idea to upset a referee. Most referees will insist that the game is played correctly by enforcing strict rules. However, this ref takes his job to the next level when it comes to enforcing rules.
He is not just dragging one player by the shirt collar, but he is also taking on another player at the same time. Furthermore, he looks fairly calm given the situation. Messing with this referee is not advised!
Sledding is not for the feint of heart, clearly. It’s possible that the lady in this photo was truly unaware of how exciting sledding can be. There’s no questioning her lack of preparation, although, what a great photo the situation makes!
Whatever snowy country this picture was taken in, it is clear that even its leaders are skilled extreme sledders. This mature lady seems like she’s about to start delivering Santa’s presents early, and without the help of flying reindeer.
Almost Flying
Diving catches are nothing unusual in baseball. However, this particular diving catch makes it seem as though the player is practically flying through the air with extreme grace.
This Venezuelan baseball player makes the catch look rather simple as he holds his whole weight on just one hand. He could be close to flying or doing a very impressive push-up using only one hand. Either way, the moment captured in this photo suggests the player may also be a skilled gymnast.
Posing For The Camera?
This could be one of the most awkward moments ever captured by a sports photographer. Not only does it seem as though the wrestler in the red tights is actually pointing his butt directly at the camera, but the wrestler in the blue tights made eye contact with the photographer at the worst possible moment.

What’s more, he is also directly beneath the player in the red tight’s butt. There’s no saying which player is in a more awkward position. Regardless, the moment does make for a very unique photograph.
Upside Down Motocross
Motocross is understandably an extremely dangerous sport, although, this rider could not seem any more at ease as he hangs upside down from his motorcycle in the air. Needless to say, making this moment look relaxing cannot be an easy task.
This motocross rider has probably performed such a stunt numerous times. However, that does not make the ultimate grace and relaxation captured here any less impressive. And here we are too scared to drive in the fast lane!
Spider Tactics
The position of the goaltender can be tricky. Making sure that the other team cannot score a goal requires a lot of concentration and, apparently, spider-like tactics. She looks like a combination of Darth Sidious from Star Wars and Spider-Man!
This goalie is so determined to prevent the goal that she has gone to the extremes. By spreading both arms and legs out, getting as much coverage of the post as possible, she manages to resemble quite an intimidating human spider.
Do You Really Need A Helmet?
The player in this photo is right in the middle of an extremely intense game, yet he does not seem at all phased by the fact that he has no helmet on. He actually appears to be completely serene as he runs through the air with the ball.
Moreover, it also does not seem to bother this player at all that another player is about to tackle him to the ground. If that is not sheer confidence and unwavering determination, then nothing is!
Amused By Competition
Usain Bolt is undeniably the deserving victor in every 100-meter sprint, which makes it quite understandable how any competitor’s efforts would be somewhat amusing for Usain. This doesn’t seem to be a one-sided joke, however, as De Grasse seems to have accepted the hilarity of it all!
Despite the amused look on Usain’s face in this cheery photo, the competitor appears to maintain ideal sportsmanship. Better yet, he actually seems quite pleased at the honor of having competed against such an iconic sprinter.
Missing A Head
Not all perfectly timed sports photo’s turn out incredibly amazing, some turn out like this one. First of all, this athlete seems to have lost her head. Further inspection reveals that it is actually somewhat difficult to distinguish her arms from her legs.
In this truly horrific photo of a gymnast competing, we can see how incredibly flexible this athlete must be. The unsettling fact that she appears headless simply dramatizes how skilled the gymnast is.
Is That Water Or Sweat?
Soccer is not known as a water sport, although, according to this photo it could be. The split second of impact as the ball hits the players head is captured perfectly. However, is the water splash a result of a very wet playing field?
The significant water splash in the photo could also be a result of the player’s sweat. While this much sweat truly explains how grueling a game of soccer can be, it is undeniably gross too.
That’s A Scary Ball…
It’s hard to imagine the real reason why this basketball player seems so scared of the ball, especially because it is not about to hit him! We could pretend this amusing photo was taken was somehow part of a Halloween game.
Nonetheless, it is still hard to explain this player’s look of terror. It seems like sfairesphobia, or the fear of balls, is all too real for this baller. As for an amusing sports photo, this one is definitely a top pick.
Synchronized Expressions
Bombs away! These ladies take cannonballs to dizzying heights. It must be quite an experience to fall from such a distance. The matching expressions on the faces of these synchronized divers truly confirm that. To say the least, it must be quite exhilarating.
Falling at such a high speed and maintaining ideal posture and remaining synchronized must be extremely challenging, although, considering these divers managed to synchronize their facial expressions as well, is deserving of a standing ovation.
Time For A Swimming Lesson
Here is a table tennis player that seems to be somewhat confused as to where he is. Even though his swimming lesson enthusiasm is spot on, he should probably focus on the game! That being said, he does have a laser connection with the ball.
While this man’s posture is bizarre enough while in context, imagine if someone photoshopped the racket and ball out? You could put him deep into the ocean, surrounded by all manner of equally fascinating sea creatures.
No One Wants The Ball
Here is an extremely rare moment captured in a basketball game. It appears that none of the players actually want the ball, which generally defeats the purpose of the game. Perhaps this is some extreme variation of the game where the ball is superheated? Think of the possibilities: the children’s hot potato game combined with basketball…
Furthermore, what’s both unusual and rare about this photo is that every player looks extremely awkward while avoiding the ball. This photo is truly one of a kind.
Several Expressions
Here is a truly expressive photo, which really is because there are simply so many different and amusing expressions captured. This image proves that a picture really is worth a thousand words. Just look at the man seated on the right, he is simply frozen with amazement.
Not to mention the sheer determination of the man on the left who seems to believe he is close enough to catch the ball despite being several feet away. However, the lady in the blue shirt right in the middle really cannot be missed.
Four Hands Are Better Than Two
Does it really matter how many hands you have in a game of soccer? Considering you are not allowed to use any of them suggests that it really does not. Perhaps this four-handed man should opt for a sport where more hands would give him the advantage.
The photographer that snapped this shot acted at the most ideal time to give the player in the front an extra two hands. Even though the player won’t be using them, the photographer deserves a gold medal for capturing this moment!
It’s Lonely To Be A Goalie
Teammates know just how great it is to hug a fellow team player during a moment of victory or sheer disappointment, although, has anyone ever wondered where the goalie stands in the matter of hugging teammates?
Well, according to this photo, the goalie really is the odd one out on the team. This goalie appears so lonely that he is sharing his moment with the goal post pole, while two other players can be seen experiencing genuine human contact a few feet away.
Head Knocked Right Off
We all know that hockey is an incredibly rough sport, although, it seems a bit too extreme to knock the head right off of your opponent during a game.
This perfectly timed photo shows the true extremity of hockey as the moment is captured that a player has his helmet knocked right off of his head. Moving along, if that doesn’t capture the moment fully, the expressions on the faces in the audience really does.
Oh Well…
Who knew that there were Jedi hiding among the Yankees? In a rare lapse in restraint, this iconic player forgot who he was pretending to be. This memorable photo was taken shortly before the retirement of Alexander Rodriguez. The player better known as A-Rod seems to have thrown in the towel in this photo.
The true emotions of A-Rod can easily be imagined when looking at this photo. Perhaps this was the very moment he decided it is time to retire.
No Time To Stop!
This photo could rake up quite a few varying opinions and judgments, although, that probably does not worry the cyclist seen peeing along the road while continuing the race.
When competing as a cyclist, there really is no time to stop for a bathroom break. Considering this, it is completely understandable why cyclists would rather pee along the road without a worry. You have got to keep every eye on the prize when there is this much pressure on you, even the one-eyed snake!
Synchronized Spitting
There is no denying that synchronized swimming is a true form of art and talent. So much goes into creating the perfect performance from makeup and outfits to well, spitting it seems.
Despite the alarming fact that this photo is quite bizarre, the overall outcome of each tiny detail makes a true masterpiece. Perhaps a video would be better to allow a true understanding of why these athletes seem to be spitting at each other…
Rubber Movements
Pitchers in the MLB all have different ways of pitching. However, this one seems to take the cake. The motion he uses can only suggest his arm must be made out of rubber.
Regardless, it can only be assumed that this movement has to be an effective way of throwing a ball. If you feel like this technique would up your throwing game, you might want to keep the possibility of a shoulder dislocation in mind.
A Perfect Flip Throw
Even though a flip throw is a great method of throwing the ball a lot further than would otherwise be possible, proper execution requires impressive amounts of both strength and agility.
This talented player was able to execute the perfect flip throw. What’s more, the photographer managed to capture the technique and the perfect moment, which makes one extremely impressive photo. We really like this player’s bellybutton ring, too. We cannot help but wonder whether she wanted to show off her tummy jewelry with this acrobatic display.
Defying Gravity
If the players in this photo were not wearing basketball uniforms, it could easily be mistaken for a snapshot during the making of “The Matrix.” The gravity-defying player is seen falling while the offender is about to reach the basket. It makes one wonder how incredible Neo would be as a baller.
The photo was taken in 2015 at the NCAA tournament. The incredible moment both of these players seem to be able to defy gravity exhibits just how skilled basketball players can be.
Is That A Bubble Boy?
Micheal Phelps may have increased the attention surrounding competitive swimming, although, this photo draws attention to one of Michael’s many dedicated competitors.
Unfortunately for this competitor, the attention is surrounding the fact that he appears to be encapsulated in a bubble. The photo was captured at such perfect timing that the swimmer is completely enclosed in what looks like a bubble of water. He looks like some kind of sea creature emerging from the depths.
A Winning Statue
Who knew a statue could be a star basketball player? Well, in this photo, it seems that the statue in the background should receive praise for scoring.
Despite the uncanny image suggesting that the bronze statue came to life, the amusing outcome of this photo is rather a result of the ultimate perfect timing. Impressive nonetheless. It looks like Lenin was not just skilled at inspiring the proletariat. He could also dunk as well as any modern NBA baller. This is the kind of leadership that Russia needs more of!
We are going to take a quick break from our hilarious athletes to show you an incredible person. This all-inspiring Yoga master was born on the 13th of August in 1918. The 100-year-old legend has been refining her Yoga skills for roughly 92 years. If that doesn’t impress you, nothing will!
Out of all the physical activities listed here, yoga is certainly one of the healthiest, and if you want to be strong and vigorous for the rest of your life, you might want to consider taking it up!
Extreme Strength!
For anyone that may have thought that the sport of hammer throw is simple, should observe the true strength and power that this photo explains. A picture really can say a thousand words…
Throwing a ball as far as possible takes explosive strength, but it looks like this guy’s head is bursting with the effort. When your biceps are thicker than your head, you can bet that your noggin will be sacrificed in the pursuit of super strength!
Shock And Horror
While one player is completely taken aback by the capabilities of the soccer ball, the other seemed to have a bit of trouble holding back his sneeze. The moment makes for a most unusual sporting photograph.
Soccer can often be a horrifying game. While some players cannot bear to look at its more terrifying moments, others cannot tear their eyes away. This poor blondie is about to be rewarded for his curiosity and bravery, and not in the way that he expected. Either way, his nose is in for a pummeling!
Perfectly Timed
Here, we can witness the sheer bliss of a perfectly-timed sports photograph. Not that there is anything wrong here, perhaps we should simply take in the perfection of the timing of this photo.
We thought that we would end this list with a little treat for our loyal readers. Not every sporting moment needs to be hilarious, some are just stunningly captivating, and not for the reasons that we ordinarily think of. Until next time, remember to keep your eye on the ball!