Hostile: Hostile Territory is a History Drama Action movie directed by Brian Presley and it portrays a period of Civil war. The story is based on a true story surrounding a soldier’s life and his children. He is on a mission to save his children and other orphans from the hands of the enemy.
Hostile Plot
Inspire by a true story, The Hostile Territory revolves the story around a P.O.W soldier Jack Calgrove who returned home from war just to find out that his wife has tragically died and their children are presumed, orphans. Soon he finds out that their children are being transported out of their home city to another place with the intent of being placing them into new homes.
He soon finds out another thing the children are on a train with other children and by the west route, they will cross the enemy line. Now he is on a mission with a team of their soldier friends, Native American Sharpshooters to save them. Finally, they stopped the train just to find out that they have freed a group of slaves. Also Read: Memory Movie: Plot, Cast, Release Date, Trailer, and Review
Hostile Cast
In the movie, Matt McCoy has acted in the role of Andrew Lee. He has done a very amazing job in the high-rated blockbuster movie “Jack Ryan” and in “Silicon Valley”. Brian Presley has played the lead role as P.O.W soldier “Jack Calgrove”.
Brian has also played some amazing roles in movies like “Touchback” and “Home brave”. Brad Leland has appeared in the role of Frank Smith, He has also done some amazing jobs in the Deepwater Horizon movie. You may like: The Northman: Plot, Cast, Release Date, Trailer, and More
Release Date
From the initial announcement of release dates from the production house and director, the movie is all set to release on April 22, 2022.
Where to watch
The hostile territory movie will be available to watch on the HBO max OTT after its release on the same platform.
Official Trailer
Keep Reading: Hatching: Plot, Release Date, Cast, Trailer, and more